Saturday, December 19, 2009

I'll Give You "Prissy"

My teenage son and his new girlfriend started dating a few weeks ago. Sonny doesn't drive yet, so most of their dates have been spent either at our house or hers.

The new girlfriend, so far, is quite cute, but her mother is something else.

So we're driving home from picking up Girlfriend and buying supplies for Rice Krispie treats at the store (part of their plan for the day). Mr. Crybaby had the other four kids with him, and had accidentally taken the house keys, so we had to leave the door unlocked.

I teased Sonny, "You're going in the house first and checking for prowlers."
Sonny: "Don't worry, I'll take care of them."
Me: "You can smack them with your big black man-purse." (He was holding my purse on his lap - we were in the tiny car known as the "Go-Cart.")
Sonny: "Yeah, I keep a brick in it."
Girlfriend: "My mom says Sonny seems prissy. He might be able to beat up his teddy bear."


Girlfriend: "She also says that it's hard to connect with him because he's so quiet. She says you have to be careful about the quiet ones, because those are always the ones who turn out to be axe murderers."


Girlfriend: "So then it was funny because I asked Sonny what he wanted for Christmas, and he said 'An axe.'"

(OK, so that was funny)

I'm at a loss.

So, Girlfriend's Mom. My son is a wimp? Is that what you're saying? What kind of blood-letting macho bruisers do you expect your daughter to date, anyway?

Our son is a future axe murderer? Well, which is it? Wimp? Killer? Wimpy killer?

You told your daughter this about her new boyfriend? Gee. When he brought her to our house, we told him what a sweetheart she was and how cute and well-spoken and grown-up and fun she was. Silly us, trying to be positive.

I don't blame Girlfriend for her less-than-discreet observations... she obviously learned it from someone else.


Heffalump said...

Wow...the Mom is LAME, but the Girlfriend also showed a lack of tact. Did she say this in front of Sonny? What an ego boost!

Carrot Jello said...

Wth? Nice. Real nice.

Jean Knee said...



you can't be wimpy and an axe murderer both so you're in the clear.

Klin said...

She obviously feels comfortable talking around you. Too bad her fam doesn't extend the same feeling to Sonny.

Did they laugh about this before she spoke it in front of you?